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November 23, 2007

Schenk Photography featured on News Channel 2 - WKRN in Nashville, TN Saturday, November 24th during the scheduled 10:30pm broadcast.

You know and trust Schenk Photography as premier professionals in the event photography industry. However, you may be less familiar with our services donated to charitable organizations. Our involvement with a lesser-known national organization, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep will be featured during this news story.

David and I volunteer with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, an international organization of photographers providing sensitive bereavement photography to parents suffering the loss, or inevitable loss, of a newborn in the hospital. As the area coordinators for the Middle TN area, we were approached by WKRN to be part of a feature to run during November - Prematurity Awareness Month. The first family we worked with were willing to tell their story publicly, and share the images of their daughter Abby as well. It took a great deal of courage for these parents to do this.

While infant loss is something we don't really want to think about, it is a very real and life changing fact for many families. Of course, the decision to photograph something this intimate is a highly sensitive issue. Our goal in participating in the story is to raise awareness of the organization and this gift that photographers are willing to provide to families enduring their grief. Middle TN currently has 17 photographers ready and willing to step in, and over 900 nation wide. To know more about the mission of Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep visit:

Click here or visit to view the story online.

As for what else is going on, we hope to fill in some of the things that we have been doing, but for now, take a look at the Find Your Photos page to see where we have been and check out our Santa schedule to catch us with the Big Guy.


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